For the first time in Cyprus and a guest in our tv show Sandra Scala!
Sandra is a Canadian inspirational writer, blogger, and speaker
Mother of 3, Stepmom of 4
Wife, daughter, sister
Celebrating life living with Usher Syndrome and Anxiety
Her page on Facebook : The Mind, Untangled.
The whole interview:
The interview was shot in Enlgish and parts of it, will be broadcasted as well in a live tvshow with Greek Subtitles, pointing the inspiration Sandra can be to our viewers.
We thank Sandra very much for her willingness to travel from Canada to Cyprus to meet and share with us her inspirational life story.
Thekla Milame Anoihta is a daily tvshow on Cypriot tv channel “Sigma”, hosted by psychologist, author, and yotuber Thekla Petridou
We wish Sandra the best for her and her new path on life, to inspire people around the world to live their life to the fullest, no matter what the limitations are.
We love Sandra’s smile, optimism and grateful realism. We were so proud to have her as a guest on our show!
#usher syndrome, #retinitis pigmentosa, #deafblind, #anxiety, #mental health, #inspiration, #motivation, #peace